Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Firm Support

No I'm not talking about the DD firm support type.. that should be a topic for another day ;) Still on the Proverbs 31 woman, I'm looking at V 11&12

11 Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.
12 She will not hinder him but help him all her life

Most of the time I think when we talk about trust fidelity comes to mind. Its important yes, but trust goes into all aspects of our lives like finances -can I be trusted with my sorry, our finances? Am I in debt thus crippling our ability to meet our needs? Can my meals be trusted (no I'm not talking poisoning) are the meals I plan and prepare of good balance for total health for my family? Do I enrich hubby's life you know, improving, developing, enhancing or do I diminish it? This has really got me thinking and I'll spend time pondering this. Then you know those dreams hubby has? Even those which to us may not appear very viable or important or priority? yeah, so more food for thought.. I can't be the one hindering him I need to support him all my life.

I'm on the 3rd verse and already this is such an eye opener. Good Lord, continue to teach me and open my heart and mind to the teaching of the noble woman.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Got a Ruby?

So.. in my quest to be all the woman I can be and inspired by the noble woman of Proverbs 31 I decided I will analyze each of her 'points'.. Today,

v 10:.. She is worth more than precious rubies.

Gone about doing some research on the web and came across this site and learnt interestingly that it was considered very valuable -probably still is I just haven't looked in my local market at the exact prices though it is apparently availabe locally -yes! as in raw! Something of interest caught my eye..

The evaluation of rubies should be done under different light settings. When viewed under very strong light, rubies may show very intense color; however, when viewed under normal lighting, the gemstone may appear less intense. Light is therefore a very important factor in determining the true color of rubies. To help assess their symmetry, rubies must be judged from their face up position and their overall beauty should always be taken into consideration.

I wondered about the comparison of rubies to our lives.. am I like the ruby that glows intensely under very strong light? In this case under the glare of 'society'. Do I reflect my Father when someone looks at me or is my glow less intense in my daily life? There are just so many times when I want to tell God.. ok, right now is a good time to crash this clay and start over.. infact I can guarantee of such moments from the moment I wake up! I can do with some lessons from the ruby.. be able to glow intensely all the time as it does under very strong light -So help me God! Maybe, just maybe, after that I can proclaim with authority that I am worth more than precious rubies.